Thursday, March 5, 2009

DHG - How not to Pick up Women in WoW

Here's another installment of Dave's Hunter Guide. How not to pick up women in WoW. I didn't realize how serious Dave might need this until I saw some recent comments in Facebook. So, here you go Dave...

First off, there are actually many females that play world of warcraft. You might not believe it by looking at our guild lately (besides my family members and a few others). But overall you'd be surprised. That being said, most girls that I know that play WoW (actually all of them, but maybe I'm wrong) don't play WoW to be hit on. Seriously, I don't really think they do (at least my wife doesn't). I'm guessing that hitting on someone randomly in the world of azeroth will get you on ignore lists very quickly.

But if you happen to be in Ironforge or Stormwind and you see a Night Elf or a Human female with next to nothing on dancing on top of the mailbox, if you see that then you must definately refrain. You see, those are not females playing, but rather 13 year old boys or 40 year old pervs. They might respond to you in a positive manner, but I don't think that's what you are looking for.

You might want to go hit on the female guards in StormWind though. They can't respond because their on duty, but maybe after they get off work...


Anonymous said...

So very true about the 13 year olds and 40 year old pervs. I wish Blizzard would let us buy tomatoes somewhere and let us throw them at people who are acting stupid. Kind of like what they did with the snow ball thing at Christmas.

Bob said...

that would be nice to have tomatoes to throw at people. Would that become the equivalent of /spit?

Anonymous said...

I laugh pretty hard..
"Maybe the storwind guards... cause, maybe, after work..."

I like the tomatoes idea. THAT is a proper gold sink!

Bob said...

Maybe even the darnasuss guards, but not the ironforge guards. For one, there are no female guards, and two, the female dwarfs that you do find aren't that cute. My wife refuses to ever roll a dwarf girl.

ShawndraKai said...

All major cities should have a produce vendor from who we should be able to buy rotten vegetables and fruits to toss. I approve of this gold sink 100%. I mean, if the npcs can fire off bananas and tomatoes every time a new death knight runs through their town, why can't we? Where's my smelly head of cabbage??